POTUS 45 March primaries - week 2

Michigan and Mississippi go to the polls today for both Democrats and Republicans. The question is has Donald Trumps train slowed down? He is still in the lead of delegates for the Republican nomination, but that over whelming wins he had earlier appear to be petering out. The problem with this picture is that no one is moving ahead of Trump as he loses steam. There are still 4 candidates in the race and where Trump loses votes that get divided among the remaining 3. So Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are still playing catch up.

Results Bernie beat Hilary in Michigan! What a shock, polls had her leading by double digits. Hiliary won Mississippi. Trump won Michigan and Mississippi and seems to winning quite a few of Cruz type voters - the evangelicals…SMH. Trump had to upstage everyone and hold a so called press conference tonight and the networks allowed it! I really can't believe they become gullible over Trump!

Where is Rubio? The golden boy is not doing what he is expected to do…be the establishment's challenger to Trump. But he's not getting out of the race, despite Cruz and Trump (and others) calling for him to get out. Rubio promises to win his home state of Florida next week…um we'll see.

Speed Bump for Trump

Super Saturday is not looking good for Republican front runner Donald Trump. So, did Mitt Romney's rip into him earlier this week take the sail out of Trumps ship or did Trump do it all by himself? There's no doubt we're looking at a serious speed bump in the Trump's quest for the White House. Kansas Republican caucus goes overwhelming to Cruz in what looks like a serious trounce over Trump.


This is Thanksgiving week. I'm on break from school and have been on a cooking trip. I'm having fun trying out new ingredients and style on old family favorite recipes. I'm not much of a cook. I usually go out to dinner quite a bit during the week with my husband Harry, but something has come over me this week. I decided I wanted to try something different. I've made dinner rolls, fried chicken, peach peach cobbler, and macaroni and cheese - each dish has a new twist.

Sandra Bland

Sandra Bland had everything going for herself; a new job, a large Facebook following and activist for #blacklivesmatter. This beautiful 28 year old woman died in police custody in a jail cell after being arrested three days earlier. That shouldn't have happened. She was pulled over by a Texas State Trooper for making an illegal lane change and according to Sandra, as recorded on the dash cam of the troopers' car, she moved over because the cop was tailing her and she tried to get out of his way. Her incarceration is questionable and subsequent death is definitely problematic for the Texas State Trooper’s officer and office.

Canada...Oh Canada

Went to Banff park into the city of Banff. Driving to lake Louise. Weather is cloudy and intermittent rain temp 63 degrees. So on the road to lake Louise we saw a bear. Check out the video

Harry and Lynda on the gondola
